Wednesday, April 4, 2007


So I was driving along Grapevine Highway with my 16-yr-old son in the car and we passed this new ice cream place, "Woolley's." Actually, it's frozen custard, which I think means a little softer and a lot more fattening than ice cream.

I told him, "I finally got to try that place the other day when I took your little brother."

He said, "I know you've been there. You took me. Remember?"

I explained that when I took him, I didn't try the ice cream--er, frozen yogurt. I said something brilliant, like, "I know you know I've been there, but I didn't try the ice cream. Remember?"

He figured from the way I was explaining how I finally went and tried the ice cream that I forgot I'd been there with him. I protested. How could I forget taking him there?

"Of course I remember taking you there. It was after we ate at the Chinese place when you got out of school early..." and so on. "I wouldn't forget going there with you."

Pause about three seconds.

Then I started to chuckle, and then laugh, and then laugh pretty hard.

I had remembered a friend of mine, Joe, who I met in college. After a couple of years seeing each other regularly at school, we maintained our friendship fairly well for a few more years even though we lived in different states. He loved movies and so did I. So one day I was telling him about a movie I'd seen in the past couple of months and said I thought he would like it. He said, "I've already seen it. With you!"

Of course, when he reminded me I remembered. We had seen it together when I was visiting.

The same thing happened again a few months later. Then again one other time.

Three times I suggested a movie to my friend, saying I had seen it and was sure he would like it. And he already had seen the movie because he was right there when I saw it.

After my laughter slowed and I was able to talk, I explained what a crummy friend I'd been by forgetting my friend was around--three times!

It seemed like the perfect introduction to the first on my list of qualities of character I value, because it will always be my beacon in the distance--way, way off in the distance.

Integrity is wholeness and consistency. It means your behavior flows from solid principles that focus on productive and interconnected lives in a healthy society. It is expressed by doing the right thing instead of the easy thing and by encouraging other to do the same. Integrity inspires trust.

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