Monday, March 26, 2007


Outside today it's been gray with low, heavy clouds. It sprinkled some, then it rained, then it poured for a while, and now it's sprinkling again.

I love it!

I love overcast days. I doubt I would like it if we had them often, but they are a welcome friend when they come along. Drizzly cold days in autumn are my favorite. These mild rainy days in spring are second best. Wide-open skies have "stuff to do" written all over them. Overcast skies are like blankets saying Just slow down and enjoy today for a while.

I'm pretty sure this has something to do with my personality. I like sunsets but can't really warm up to sunrise. They look completely different to me. When the sun sets, it slowly changes color, gets big and heavy, and empties itself of light. Yellow, orange, then red, plus some purple thrown in. It's poetry!

But in the early morning it's just dark--which seems wrong to me. Then some light appears in the sky. Suddenly, a big blaring yellow ball peeks up over the horizon and blinds me. Within minutes the air is warm and the breeze is gone. Why am I supposed to like that?

If I'm gonna watch for light showing up in the sky, I'd rather see the moon rise or the stars come out. Better than that, I like to see a valley become dotted with lights from houses as night falls. Even better, I like the neon colors that fire up at dusk on restaurants and theaters. I like strings of lights along a sidewalk cafe or a restaurant's back terrace.

There's a different energy at night. I think it's about connecting with people you want to see after spending the day working around people you have to see. It's about getting to do something relaxing or fun after getting your day's work done.

I'm a night owl by nature, but having kids and their schedules has changed my ability to be up late. Still, I feel the energy and possibility of night. Up until a big blaring yellow ball peeks up over the horizon and blinds me.

I get a little nutty when there's a fool moon sometimes, but that's a collection of tales for another day.

Be Real


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